Friday, February 5, 2010

state of daddy

it has been a little while since i wrote so since i'm here in the room waiting for my dad to take his medication, i figured i'd write about where he is... 16 months after his diagnosis.

relatively stable
more incontinent or at least he won't give us any warning of when it's coming.
he can't walk. he isn't able to move the right side of his body very well.
his arm has been out of commission since the fall.
his head leans to the left and he doesn't have much of a turning radius.
he's been refusing medication.
temperamental as always, but much more subdued today.
i'm doing my best to make sure he gets his anti-seizure meds. we were taking it twice a day, 750mg tablets, and since his refusal - over the past two weeks - i've convinced him to take it once a day so that we don't go into a last mal-seizure which i think is highly probable.

i still believe he can walk again, but he has to have heart and determination. he has to have resolve and believe that there is a reason for living.

he spends most of his day in bed, but will get up into the wheelchair (well, if i have the strength to get him into it against his will). i'm pretty sure it is good for him to not lay in bed all day.

his right leg has loss a lot of function and is tightening up from lack of blood flow (my guess anyway) so he will scream in pain (level 5 out of 10) if moved. almost like pre rigor mortis.

i'm asking anyone who reads this blog to pray for his resolve/determination to walk again and faith that there is a purpose in all of this.

i've finally come to a point where i feel comfortable with the way i'm managing my emotions/and his health.

thanks for listening. hope this blog helps someone/somebody.



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