Sunday, May 20, 2012

love without chemistry

is it possible to be so completely in love with someone, mutually, without being compatible? I've struggled so much with that question over the past several months. As far as I can tell right now, the answer to that is no. No because when you completely love someone, and you both choose to give of yourself to the other person, you find the compatibility where the compatibility doesn't exist and you bring out the things that do work. The problem is, we don't all love like this, that game of give and take when a new relationship is forming gives us that room to breathe and love, but rarely do we automatically love so deeply.

if all of the bible hinges on our ability to love god and to love our neighbors as ourselves (because God knows just how much we love ourselves)...then love is hardly about compatibility and more about giving ourselves completely. For God so love the world, that He gave his only begotten son. And when a man loves a women, it should be as God loves the church, ready to lay down his life.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Oh bizarre...I haven't been on for awhile and blogspot got a makeover! I'm impressed, confused, but impressed. A couple notes from church (from a broken hearted, middle of med school, pre-exam anxious, probably underlying stress, wondering what to do after spending two years in a classroom as a kind of adult):

Why am I captivated by movies: B/c we can see into someone else's life - we're surrounded by strangers and no one willing to live life with you. Is having someone live life with you important? okay, well i can't make the rest of the note, so i guess it will have to end here. I'm really writing this down for me so...i've got some poems and things I wouldn't mind putting out there for the few random people that run across this blog.

As always, I hope to be an open book, but I am learning to be a little more careful about where I open up my heart. <3. I do wish sometimes things were as easy as right and wrong, but emotions can get so complicated. my friend J. made a comment about feeling two completely opposite feelings at the same time and how explaining that to someone just seems silly and difficult; at least we got to share in that moment.

Now...i am going to come up with a study plan so that i can become a licensed physician. Go.