Monday, July 21, 2008

thankful that the boys are still crying?

the weekend in review:
1. water ice (kind of like shaved ice but much better) and franklin square sand castle.

mini golfing in style. the boys are with gabe and emma, sam's kids.

the golf course was a miniature philadelphia.

Philadelphia Art Museum, Pay what you wish on Sundays! Keep in mind, we went to the art museum after a two hour all black church service. We walked into a seminary where my friend's service was being held and the first group of people i saw was a mix of asians and white people (almost diverse enough), but regardless, it was a breath of fresh air (i live in a community that is over 95% black) and i was excited for the boys to spend some more time with other ethnic groups of people ( pc can i get), i was even more excited that my roomate and friend went to a church that was more diverse, but alas, we kept walking and ended up in a smaller classroom with an entire black congregation of about 25 people. It was still a very nice service and timothy gave during tithe and offerings! B - you would appreciate this, we only sang praise songs.
Praise God.

BTW, charles took that picture. i think it's a pretty good shot (above). The boys - not really enjoying the art museum - but i saw a diego rivera, a couple monet paintings, cezanne, renoir, rousseou (sp?)...(below).

Clearly, i would not let the boys leave philadelphia without climbing the art museum/rocky steps!

the view from the top of the steps.

true philadelphians...playing in the water fountains.

monkey masks... a couple of guys were promoting the new space chimp movie/game... i have no interest in seeing this movie, but i think i might be taking the boys on saturday before they fly home.

For dinner: lasagna...made with tlc.

This morning:
young boys trying to be tough, reports of 2-3 murders/attempts over the weekend, dilapidated buildings, woman on the bus drinking a 40, frail men from the ongoing use of crack...

I am thankful that the city has not yet hardened their hearts. This morning I went upstairs to wake up the boys and told them to come down in 15 minutes to brush their teeth and get breakfast. they came down dressed in their camp gear (a not so bad looking shirt), some basketball shorts, and socks. I can't stress how proud i am of them. As the morning progressed, they started to ask if they could come to work with me... it was not going to happen. So, after getting on our second trolley, the boys were completely consumed with the idea that camp was boring (which it might be because they're doing math, science, character development etc - next year, i promised them something different) and their emotions had taken over. My heart broke at the sight of their tears so i gave them a little spiel about attitude, i prayed for them, and regardless, sent them off to a monday at camp girard.

1 comment:

Brandon said...

i like that picture of the boys at the top of the steps and how absolutely exhuasted they look... rocky didn't look that tired at the top haha. love that you sang only praise songs. glad you are getting to spend such quality time with them, it will surely be a life-long memory for all of you...