Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Oh bizarre...I haven't been on for awhile and blogspot got a makeover! I'm impressed, confused, but impressed. A couple notes from church (from a broken hearted, middle of med school, pre-exam anxious, probably underlying stress, wondering what to do after spending two years in a classroom as a kind of adult):

Why am I captivated by movies: B/c we can see into someone else's life - we're surrounded by strangers and no one willing to live life with you. Is having someone live life with you important? okay, well i can't make the rest of the note, so i guess it will have to end here. I'm really writing this down for me so...i've got some poems and things I wouldn't mind putting out there for the few random people that run across this blog.

As always, I hope to be an open book, but I am learning to be a little more careful about where I open up my heart. <3. I do wish sometimes things were as easy as right and wrong, but emotions can get so complicated. my friend J. made a comment about feeling two completely opposite feelings at the same time and how explaining that to someone just seems silly and difficult; at least we got to share in that moment.

Now...i am going to come up with a study plan so that i can become a licensed physician. Go.

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