Monday, October 11, 2010

new york morning

the computer signed me on automatically so i'm going to write down memories that i might forget:
1) jeff and vanessa's wedding was beautiful - i can't believe lifetime marriages are possible - but they will be living proof.
2) michelle and danny are an amazing team. michelle is particularly wonderful and an awesome female companion. i may be in love =). i love that her appreciation for life is genuine and shines through her.
3) live jazz is great.
4) new york central park reading farenheit 451 then talking to matt on the phone was reminiscent and also wonderful.
5) streets lined with activity and life at 11pm, let alone 1am is still an unbelievable feeling.
6) still love walking and public transportation
7) seeing friends from college - especially sigma kappa girls - had a nice hue to it, maybe even provided me with a pair of rose colored glasses about college but i'll take it.
8) and lastly, coffee at roslyn claremont hotel was hmm hmm good as was the late night NY pizza - increible!

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