Thursday, July 23, 2009

god god god

when you say something enough times, it starts to sound strange. a sound that you can no longer associate with any physical, tangible object. god's not quite physical and it takes faith to believe in something you can't see so when you say his name too much, it's beyond "strange." it feels almost contrived. i wonder what the person listening to me thinks.

past couple days have been interesting and filled with god searching. i just want to make sure what i do and what i say is genuine, that it's in line with god, but then i get lost and can't find god and it all feels fake, like i'm looking for a magic genie.

had a really good meeting today with chuck and rene c. from the rock. it was 100% divine. so, that's cool. i felt god working in each of our lives separately up until that meeting and in order for us to have that meeting.

this morning i asked god where he was? and i think that was his answer. go figure. don't ask for anything you don't really want.

i wonder if i can start every meeting in prayer?? i have started very few meetings in prayer.

good night.

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