Saturday, January 24, 2015

Dear New Year

Hello 2015. This is fun, it's 12:28am and I decided to start blogging again. This time, I hope I don't stop. I'm finishing up interviews and am putting together a rank list. It's a pretty exciting time. Not to mention, I'm hoping to start another medical related blog soon, I'll let you (the random ethereal world out there) know as soon as I get it up and running. That's exciting too.

I had other ideas for this first post of 2015 but I think that will be it for me...Just a start. The other postings were drafts from 2012 that I had never published though I'm not sure why. Man, I love writing random thoughts that come to my mind. Till next posting.

Oh, wait a sec, I should probably do a quick update since our last post - I'm married, have a 13 month old son and live in Seattle and I graduated medical school. Awesome.

why is it always so difficult to see beauty when it is in front of you?
one split second, one decision can change the course of our lives
for better or worse
no, never worse
because the course...if given over to God can be shifted and changed
the spirit of eternity prevails
and a joyful life is what He wants for His children
His blessings and His grace abounds
with him, no matter the circumstance, we live in plenty.

oh to love freely

I used to love a lot! At least, it was easy to say the words, I love you, to call a friend dear, sweet heart. In middle/high school, it wasn't a problem to love so much - at least I was better blinded - and then for some time, I realized I couldn't say I love you to a friend...I was too afraid that it would mean too much to them and not as much to me or that in saying I love you, I couldn't stand behind the weight and responsibility of that love to lift someone up or to call regularly...because people said they loved me and did that. Now, in a moment of bliss of just completing a big exam (regardless of success levels)...I freely threw out those words to friends/friends who know very little about me and I know very little about them (because I've spent the last month studying, because I never really asked the questions and they never really asked about me...because we were all studying, all the time). Is it better this way? Better to say I love you then to be scared, better to just love anyway and worry about the consequences/responsibilities later? How can I do both? Sorry not a very good posts, but eh...I'm writing this for me.